什麼是 Arch Linux?
Arch Linux 是個專為 i686 微處理器最佳化過的 linux distribution (套件發行版)。Arch Linux 一開始是取用 CRUX 的核心思想,CRUX 是一套由 Per Lidén 開發,很棒的 Linux distribution。
[edit]Arch Linux 的優勢
Arch 的特點是fast, lightweight, flexible 和 simple (快速,輕巧,可塑性高和簡易)。這幾個形容詞看起來可能一點也不吸引人,但是至少他們都很正確的描寫出 Arch Linux 的特點。因為 Arch 特別針對 i686 微處理器做過最佳化,所以你可得到 CPU 在每個 cycle 內所能提供的最大的效用。與 RedHat 等其他的 Linux 套件發行版相比,Arch 顯得輕巧多了,同時 Arch 的簡單設計 (simple design) 也讓使用者可以輕易的幫他擴展功能並把他塑造為符合您的需求的系統。
This is backed by an easy-to-use binary package system - pacman - that allows you to upgrade your entire system with one command. Arch also uses a ports-like package build system (Arch Build System) to make it easy to build packages, which can also be synchronized with one command. Oh yea, and you can rebuild your entire system with one command, too. Everything is done quite simply and transparently.
Arch Linux strives to maintain the latest stable version of its software. We currently support a fairly streamlined core package set with a growing collection of extra packages made by users and AL developers.
In its goal to be simple and lightweight, I've left out the relatively useless portions of a linux system, things like /usr/doc and the info pages. In my own personal experience these are rarely used, and the equivalent information can be obtained from the net if need be. Man pages all the way...
Arch Linux also strives to use some of the newer features that are available to Linux users, such as Ext3/ReiserFS and udev support. Arch Linux 0.7 (Wombat) uses the 2.6 linux kernel by default, and has support for XFS/JFS.
基本上網卡的偵測是自動的, 所以50%以上網卡是會被安裝CD的KERNEL給偵測到的, 除非你的網卡太新了, LINUX的KERNEL還沒有支持到它. 如果安裝中看到 "no eth0 device is availabe yet", 你的安裝精靈會問你是否要偵測網卡模塊"do you want to probe for a network module?", 選"YES"就行了, 或者你選"NO", 如果你想手動掛載它. 不過這些都是自動化的, 所以對初學者, 你不需要擔心什麼啦.
2) 劃分硬碟啦: Prepare Hard Drive
a) Auto preparation -- 自動為你劃分 嚴重警告:除非你想把整個硬碟給砍掉, 不然千萬別用這個哦!!!
當你選擇這個選項後, 系統會幫你從選擇的硬碟自動劃分: